Wednesday, June 29, 2016

No Fireworks In Hartford This Year.....Enjoy a Bus Ride.....

For 35 years there have been fireworks in Hartford.....But this year there will be nothing.

They are short $120,000.00.

There is no money.  None.

I mean when they needed a $600,000,000.00 to build a busway (so people could flock to Hartford and revitalize the economy.....which nobody actually does) they found the money.

When Hartford needed $63,000,000.00 to build a baseball stadium (that nobody uses...... because it is never completed) to entertain the hoards of people flocking to Hartford......They found the money.

But $120,000.00 to do what they always do.......Sorry the money just doesn't exist anywhere.

The good news is the State of Connecticut did find money to give top executives at Uconn hefty raises.

Well.....Anyway.......Enjoy the 4th of July at your house.  Light a sparkler or something.....Yay America......


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