Sunday, December 4, 2016

ITaly = Obamas Strike 3

Strike 3 for President Obama.
There was a time when people listened to every word Obama spoke. Thousands of people (in multiple countries) would line the streets to hear his every word.
Then everyone figured out Obama was a complete fraud and now nobody gives a sh*t about anything the man has to say.
Obama went to Britain and told the British people they should vote to stay in the European Union.
Obama told them the Status Quo was the way to go in Britain.
Then the British people went to the polls and voted for Brexit anyway. F*ck you Obama and your status quo.
Obama went and told the American people to vote for Hillary Clinton. Hillary and the status quo was the way to go. Trump was a bad idea.
The American people went to the polls and voted for Donald Trump. F*ck you Obama and your status quo.
Obama invited the Italian Prime Minister to the White House for a full on state dinner. This would help Renzi convince the Italian people to vote for his referendum. A vote of yes would empower the status quo.
The Italians went to the polls and voted NO!!!!!!! F*ck you Obama and your status quo.
No matter what country the message is clear. Nobody gives a sh*t about what Obama thinks (or wants) and EVERYONE is done with the status quo.


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