Sunday, July 25, 2021

Tony Podesta Is Back.

 Tony Podesta.......

Brother of John Podesta.

John Podesta....Failed Campaign Manager for Crooked Hillary Clinton.

John had his emails hacked and given to Wikileaks who showed everyone how corrupt Hillary and the Democrats were.

Hillary......Former Secretary of State.

Hillary......Former US Senator.

Hillary.....Former First Lady.

LOST to a guy will ZERO political experience.  

That is how corrupt and out of touch Hillary was.

Any......whooooo.....Back to Tony.  

Tony was in big trouble because he was a lobbyist for foreign countries (Selling out the United States and using his powerful brother to do it) but he never registered as a foreign lobbyist.  

You go to jail for that stuff.  

Well...... if you are a Republican you go to jail.  

Paul Manifort went to jail for that exact same offense.  

But Paul was Trumps campaign manager.  If you are aligned with Trump you are going to jail.

Tony is a Democrat, so he got immunity.  

Why did he get immunity?  

Because he is a Democrat.  

Pay attention.

Democrats can do anything they want.  Democrats never get in trouble for anything.  

So they gave Tony immunity and then no matter how bad his crimes were (and they were bad) he could never get in trouble.  

It is good to be a Democrat.

But now Biden is in the White House............and Democrats control the House..........And Democrats control The Senate.............So it is time for Tony to return and make more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

What better way than to represent the Communist Chinese Phone company.........The company that has been banned from countries around the world because they spy for the Communist Chinese Government.

Not only can Tony sell out the United States........ and put our national security at risk........But he can get stupid rich doing it.  And he is going to too.

Step aside.......The Podestas are back in the game.  Yippee Kay Yay!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Oliver Stones New JFK Documentary.

Oliver Stone has a new JFK documentary.  

You haven't heard about this because the Fake News is busy not telling you about it.

That is because the fake news is controlled by the CIA.

The CIA doesn't want you to know about it.  

Or think about it.  

Since the movie studios are also controlled by the CIA........... Mr. Stone is struggling to find anyone to distribute the film in the United States.

In 1992 Oliver Stones first JFK movie came out and the fake news mocked and belittled it.  

The United States Congress did NOT mock it.  

The congress held hearings and called Mr. Stone to testify.

After the Warren Commission completed their bullshit investigation (In 1964) all their evidence (proving their conclusions were nonsense) was sealed away from the American people.  

It was instructed to remain sealed for 75 years.  

Anyone alive in 1963 would be dead before the incriminating evidence came out.  

Sealing away evidence did not give the American People confidence they were being told the truth.

They were not being told the truth.

Because of Oliver Stone's 1992 movie (and testimony) Congress passed the JFK records review board.  

This was set up to review all the hidden evidence and release all of documents within 25 years.  

Many documents have been released, and none of them show that Oswald did the shooting and he acted alone.  

All of the records should have been released by 2017 

(1992 + 25 years = 2017) 

But here we are in 2021 and there are still records hidden away.  

Even Donald Trump caved to the CIA and held records back.

The remaining documents must be Doseys.

The records that have come out help tell the actual story (The CIA killed the president......And covered it up) and many of those details are what is in Stones new documentary.  

He takes all the new evidence (Released since 1992) and puts it together.  

Will you ever get to see this new documentary?  Not if the CIA has their way.  They are working hard to keep it away from you.  

In the end it might still come out, and if it does you should see it.

You should understand how your government actually works.  

It isn't good!

Friday, July 16, 2021

World Health Organization was "Premature" on Lab Leak.

 It was all based on the World Health Organization.

The all-knowing World Health Organization.

If the WHO said it..........Then that was it.  

Don't argue.

If you said the virus came from the lab.  

And that didn't match what the WHO was saying......

Then your post was censored.

You obviously didn't know what you were talking about.

But now the World Health Organization admits they also didn't know what they were talking about.

Sorry about that.  

Actually, they don't say they are sorry at all.  Because they are not sorry.  

They just won't censor your posts anymore.  At least not on that issue.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Saluting The Flag In The GOP Now A Bad Thing.....

Freedom is NOT free.

Big Tech Oligarchs are actively working to take it away.

He committed several infractions here.

1) He saluted the flag of the United States.  That is not to be celebrated anymore.  You are instructed to hate America and hate the flag.

2) He is in the GOP.  That is the real problem here.  Running against a Democrat.  Running as a war hero.  

Patriotism is now a bad thing.  

Patriotic= Extremist= very bad.  Can't have it.  Must demonize.

This is America under Democrat control in 2021.  

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Summer Camp For Billionaires.

 Summer Camp for Billionaires.

Happening this week in Sun Valley Idaho.
A who's who of the world's richest (most powerful) people, flying there in their private jets, to hang out and decide how they will be running your life.
What propaganda will they be jamming down your throat.
What ideas they will be censoring you from discussing.
What competition threatens their world domination and will need to be stomped out.
It is all discussed.....In private......Behind your back.
Also there will be your friends from the Central Intelligence Agency.
Wherever the titans of the planet are gathering you will always find the CIA. They love caviar and champaign too.
You are not invited to any of this though, and neither is your favorite fake news outlets.
Fake news CNN will not be having round table discussions on what the Billionaires are discussing.
But don't worry.........This handful of people, representing a trillion dollars in wealth, have your best interests at heart.
Trust them............What they really care about is you!
Now go mind your business.