Sunday, January 31, 2021

China Collecting Your DNA........

 Communist Red China collecting YOUR DNA.

While the Democrats have spent 5 years screaming RUSSIA…RUSSIA…..RUSSIA…….
Over in China they have been hard at work compromising you and your family.
Chinese are trying to collect Americans' DNA to win a race to control the world's biodata.
personal data, particularly biodata, has become a precious commodity and in the wrong hands, poses threats to national security and the economy.
"This shows the nefarious mindset of the Communist Party of China, to take advantage of a worldwide crisis like COVID,"
control over biodata that can lead to the complete control over health care: if a person's current or future medical condition is known through DNA and other data, the entity that knows it can gain a monopoly over the therapy or drugs to treat them.
Do we want to have another nation systematically eliminate our health care services?
This is already happening on a smaller scale; the U.S. is almost entirely dependent on China to furnish the PPE it uses to combat the pandemic
The future could look a lot worse says Edward You, a former biochemist turned supervisory special agent in the FBI. "What happens if we realize that all of our future drugs, our future vaccines… are all completely dependent upon a foreign source? If we don't wake up, we'll realize one day we've just become health care crack addicts and someone like China has become our pusher,"
There are potentially other ways for China or other foreign powers to obtain the DNA of Americans. Millions of Americans have voluntarily given their DNA away when they used the services of genealogy companies to learn their ancestry. There is a lot that can happen to their DNA and most donors are not fully aware of the potential risks, bioethicists say. The genealogy companies can have partnerships with biotech firms to share that data
If you think Covid was an effective bioweapon wait till Communist Red can target it to specific DNA. Americans all get sick and Chinese do not.
You think Covid 19 was fun wait till they perfect this sh*t. You aint see nothing yet.
But don’t worry because the Democrats will protect you from the imaginary white supremacist threat and the non existent Russia… Russia….. Russia threat. They are on the case.

No Jail Time For The Russia hoax...

 No JAIL TIME for the Russia Hoax.

The hoax that was NOT censored on Twitter. Or Facebook. Or in the Fake News.
The FBI falsified documents......which lied to a FISA court.......... to obtain an illegal warrant to spy on the Trump campaign.
Lots and lots and lots of people should have been charged with crimes.
In the end only one person was charged and he will not be going to jail.
Roger stone supported Trump. Roger Stone was put in jail.
Supporting Trump is seen as a crime.
Falsifying documents, and lying to a court...... to GET Trump........Well that is NOT seen as a crime at all.
A small slap on the wrist is enough and they send you on your way.
Equal justice under the law?
Yeah right.
If you believe everyone is treated equally under the law you are delusional.
There are laws for people who like Trump.
There are laws for people who HATE Trump.
Those laws are very..... very...... veeeerrrryyyyyy........different.

Friday, January 29, 2021

Robinhood and Game Stop...Steal From The Poor And Give To The Rich.


Silcon Valley Oligarchs continue their ASSAULT on Free Speech.
The game is rigged.
First they rigged it.
Then they prevent you from discussing it.
If you want to be able to speak freely you are living in the wrong country.
See…..Cenosring Trump was just the beginning.
If they can do it to the President of The United States what chance do you have?
Are you following this story?
It is still unfolding and if you are not following along you are missing out.
In a nutshell……..
Wall Street Hedge funds placed bets that the video game Store “Game Stop” stock would go down.
Everyday investors in Reddit chatrooms got together and decided to all buy the stock.
The price went up costing the heddge funds Billions.
The app used to make the trades is called Robinhood. (Steal from the rich and give to the poor….except here it is reversed)
Robinhood which is has financial connections to the hedge funds closed down trading on Game Stop.
You could not buy Game Stop stock yesterday. You could only sell it.
This screwed the little guy and rigged the system for the fat cat.
People went crazy. People went on the app store and wrote 100,000 NEGATIVE reviews of the Robinhood app.
Google went in and removed all the negative reviews.
You are not allowed to buy the stock.
You are not allowed to tell people you are mad about not being able to buy the stock.
You are allowed to shut your mouth and go away.

The Fiction Of The Green New Economy.....

As President Biden kills off thousands of Fossil Fuel jobs and promises the new Green Jobs......

We have heard all of these lies before.
Nothing being said today is new.
Barack Obama told all the same lies.
The green economy is coming.......Yay........ and that means jobs.... jobs.... jobs......
The part he leaves out is those jobs are in Communist Red China.
Not in the United States of America.
Those Solar Panels are made in China.
Those wind mills are made in China.
None of it is made in the USA.
Not now. Not ever.
Biden and Obama can promise, and promise, and promise, until the cows come home.
He cannot beat slave labor and no environmental standards.
Biden knows this.....He just doesn't care. Why should he.
Barack Obamas lies led to President Donald J Trump.
Unless Biden can keep stealing elections (perhaps he can).....
Bidens lies will also lead to President Donald J Trump.......AGAIN!
He should come up with a new play book.

Cuomo Undercounted Nursing Home Death Counts.........

 Remember when Trump sent the Hospital Ship into NY Harbor and it sat empty.

Remember when Trump turned the Javits center into a hospital. And it too sat empty.
Remember when Mega Super Star Governor Cuomo ordered all the Covid patience to go into the Nursing homes.
Then all the patients at the nursing homes died.
Over 5,000 dead people in nursing homes.
Remember that?
Then to celebrate Mega Super Star Cuomo was awarded an Emmy award for his brilliant press conferences.
The press conferences where he announced all his colossally terrible ideas.
All while the media fawned over his magnificence.
Then EVERYONE (Fake news, Cuomo) blamed Trump.
It is Trumps fault.
Well the number of dead bodies was WAAAAYYYYYYYY underreported.
By 50%
But Cuomo no longer wants to talk about it. Suddenly he is very shy.
Representatives for Cuomo did not immediately return CNBC’s request for comment on the findings.
Representatives for the state’s department of health also did not return CNBC’s request for comment.
Everyone hide under your desks. The fake news will cover it all up.
Don't even worry about it.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

China Getting Ready To Become #1.......Thanks To Biden.

 Joe Biden being President = Communist Red China will soon be #1

Guaranteed.......Yay Joe!
CNN is thrilled to report this good news to you. Enjoy it.
The biggest winner in the November election were the Communists.
The ones who disregard human rights.
The ones who put people in concentration camps.
The ones who pollute the environment and fill the oceans with plastic.
The ones who forcefully take over the South China sea.
The ones who are ending freedom in Hong Kong. (The Democrats and Big Tech are ending it in America)
The ones who threaten Taiwan.
The ones who steal entire industries from the USA.
The ones who steal intellectual property.
The ones who hack into our companies and our government computers.
With Communist Red China it is all bad all the time.
Don't forget the world wide pandemic curtesy of our good friends in Communist Red. What a lovely gift that was.
Now Creepy Joe Biden will enable them to take their final steps to world supremacy.
Nothing makes Joe Biden happier than the USA becoming a second-place finisher.
"Managed decline" it is called and Joe Biden is ready to lead the way.
Trump was all "America first". (Yuck)
Trump was all "jobs in the USA". (Double Yuck)
Trump was all "Tariffs" on Communists not playing fairly. (Yuck.. Yuck.. Yuck)
Biden scoffs at all of that.
Biden is Communist Red China first.
Hunter Biden gets filthy rich and "The Big Guy" gets 10%
The only real loser is the American people.
Joe Biden has made crystal clear he doesn't give a f*ck about The American People. Not even a little bit.

NOW Amazon Wants In Person Voting......

 Mail in voting is great.....

Totally great.
It is the best.
If you want to fraudulently get rid of Donald Trump then mail in voting is the way to go.
You can totally trust it. (Wink....Wink.....)
If you discuss mail in voting not being totally great (on social media app Parler) than Amazon Web Services will remove the entire company from existence.
You must love mail in voting with all your might.
That is an order.
Any other thinking will be BANNED!
Free speech is something your parents had.
It is NOTHING that you have.
Now that Joe Biden has been installed as supreme leader..........
and now that Amazon employees want to vote to form a Union.........
To get more money from Amazon..........
Now mail in voting is bad.
Very, very bad.
It can't be trusted. It shouldn't be allowed. Only in person voting should be allowed.
The Democrat's who stand at the microphone and tell you how much they support Unions (and Union workers) where are they in this fight?
Is Dementia Joe Biden telling you how much he supports the Amazon employees? No.
Is Nancy Pelosi standing on the floor of the US House Of Representatives telling you how much she supports the Amazon employees? No.
Is crying Chuck Schumer standing on the floor of the US Senate telling you how much he supports the Amazon employees? No.
What are the Democrats doing?
Oh look.....They are impeaching Donald Trump........Again.
The guy who is no longer President.
That is a nice distraction isn't it?
Maybe you won't notice the Amazon employees looking to Unionize.
Certainly, the fake news is not coving the story.
The Fake News Washington Post (Owned by Jeff Bezon........Owner of Amazon) is not going to be talking about it.
Not today. Not ever.
The last thing the richest man on planet earth wants is a bunch of f*cken union employees demanding more of his money.
F*ck them.
Luckily he has powerful people on his side.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Attack On Capital Pre Planned????????

 The fake narrative is these crazy people heard Trump speak and then got so fired up they ran over to the Capital and broke in.

If these people didn't hear Trump speak then none of this would have happened.  

It is all Trumps fault.

BUT now we see that the whole thing might have been pre planned.  

This is why impeaching first and investigating second is a bad idea.

But politics has its own schedule and sometimes Democrats can't wait for the facts before they begin their next great hoax.

Evidence uncovered so far, including weapons and tactics seen on surveillance video, suggests a level of planning that has led investigators to believe the attack on the US Capitol was not just a protest that spiraled out of control,

evidence the FBI is examining are indications that some participants at the Trump rally at the Ellipse, outside the White House, left the event early, perhaps to retrieve items to be used in the assault on the Capitol.

So basically, this is Benghazi all over again.  In Benghazi the Democrats said it was a spontaneous protest that got out of hand when really it was a planned attack.  This looks like it could be the same thing.  A planned attack.  Not a Presidential rally that got out of hand.

51 Billion Gone From Social Media After Banning Trump......

 Was kicking Trump off Social Media a good business move?



Then hell yeah it was good.

Any good business school will teach you.......Take one of your most important clients (Trump had 88 MILLION followers) and ban him. 

That is going to work out GREAT!

Take 50% of your client base and alienate them.  Discard them.  

Then watch the money swirl down the toilet.

Nice going guys.  Nice going..........

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

You Tube Censors The President Too.......

 Big Tech Censorship continues.

You will not be able to hear from the President.
Not on Facebook.
Not on Twitter.
Not on Parler.
Not on Youtube.
This is America......Home of the Free. Just kidding.
Home of Big Tech Oligarchs who will let you know what you can see and when you can see it.
In the meantime you can shut your mouth.
If you want to hear from the President, it MUST be through the filter of Fake News CNN.
Only they can tell you how much you are supposed to hate that guy.
You cannot make up your own mind. You are not smart enough for that. They must be allowed to tell you what to think.
YouTube declined to share details of the video that earned Trump the strike......
Must have been awful.
Must of been Donald Trump eating babies brains on a plate with a spoon.
You can't see stuff like that. Very very dangerous.
Thank goodness we have Silicone Valley to save us from our President.
Thanks Google.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

One Week To Go.......Nobody Talking About Joe Biden. Keep Him Hidden.

 It is funny that in a week Joe Biden becomes President but when you browse your favorite Fake News site (pick whichever you like best) you barely see Bidens name anywhere.

Everything is Trump, Trump, Trump Trump.
Biden spent the entire Campaign hiding in his basement.
Not talking, Not sharing his vision. Not doing anything.
Now he is president elect and you still can't find his name mentioned practically anywhere.
Nancy, and Chuck (and the rest of the Democrats) want to make sure it stays that way.
They would much rather tell you how much they hate Donald Trump then talk about how great things are going to be under Biden.
They don't want to talk about Biden. They do not talk about Biden.
Nobody does. Not the Fake News. Nobody. Just keep Trump front and center all the time.
It is the strangest thing.