Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Democrats Losing Is Still Good According To Fake News....

Fake News.....
First they tell you that Democrats are going to win because everyone HATES Trump.
Then the Democrats still lose (because they always lose) but the Fake News Media still says it is a good thing for Democrats.
Winning is a good thing for Democrats and losing is also a good thing for Democrats. How nice!
That is a good perspective for the fake news media. It means they can never be wrong. Even though they are always wrong.
The Fake News Media can't tell you that though because then you might figure out they are really just full of sh*t.
Know what I think a good.....I think it is good when you actually win something. Which the Democrats never do.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Decades Of Corruptions In One Picture......

How many corrupt people can you fit into one picture?
I count 5.
This picture represents 26 years of failed leadership.
This picture represents 19,000,000,000,000.00 in National debt.
Pensions in America going or will be gone. The people in this picture are responsible.
Social Security will need to be cut. The people in this picture are responsible.
The factories all got boarded up and all the products now say Made in China. Glance at the people in this picture and you will know who made that happen.
1.3 TRILLION dollars in student loan debt......and then you are told nobody in America is qualified to do any of the jobs. The people in this picture are responsible.
Skyrocketing healthcare costs that have no ceiling. The people in this picture are responsible.
Ice Caps are melting. You will blame the guy in charge today, but the problem has been going on for decades. These are the people who were in charge and did nothing.
Oceans filled with plastic. It happened on their watch.
Multiple failed wars which killed hundreds of thousands of people and accomplished nothing. Take a good look at this picture. The people responsible are in it smiling at you.
1% got all the money and 99% got none of the money. Send your thank you note to the people in this picture.
Decades of stagnant wages....Who were the leaders responsible. Oh there they are.
As you shake your fist at Trump, and curse his very existence please remember who actually created all these problems.
4 of them went to Yale. 2 of them went to Harvard. 16 years of rule by Democrats. 12 years of rule by Republicans. The only one who lost was you!

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Stormy Daniels Career Is Really Taking Off......

Stormy Daniels on the cover of Penthouse.

After Fake News CNN mentioned her name 785,000 times a day the opportunities are really starting to pour in.

I feel so happy for her.

Make sure you run out and pick up your copy today.  Place it on your coffee table for everyone to enjoy.  Read it to your kids at bed time.  Maybe buy a couple of copies.  Keep one in your car and bring one to work to share in your next business meeting.

Stormy is a national hero.  

McCabe VS Comey....

The problem is James comey is a dishonest liar and andrew McCabe is also a dishonest liar.
The real problem is their lies do not match up.
If comey agrees that mccabe's lies are true then comey is in big trouble because he lied under oath.
If mccabe agrees that Comey's lies are true then mccabe is in trouble because he lied under oath.
It is undeniable that one of these two liars has to be lying.
This puts the fake news media in a real bind.
The fake news media has defended the corrupt FBI every step of the way.
They tell us Trump is an azz hole for attacking a bedrock institution of our democracy.
But as we see that bedrock institution is actually corrupt as shit from the top down.
Just a couple of weeks ago the fake news media was protecting and defending mccabe 24 hours a day.
It was a great human tragedy that McCabe lost his pension. Boo American losing his pension. We have never seen such a thing in America.
But now mccabe is facing criminal prosecution for his lies and the fake news media has jumped in bed with comey and his magical book tour.
So mccabe has been tossed aside. Poor mccabe. It is so unfair the way he has been treated first by Trump and now by his old boss the honorable James Comey.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

She Is A Women and She Is A Hero......

In 1993 Secretary of Defense Les Aspin allowed women to fly fighter planes.
It was a controversial decision.
Maverick is a fighter pilot. Ice Man is a fighter pilot. You can't have a woman flying a fighter plane. What was he crazy?
Fighter planes are complicated stuff. These are 90 million dollar planes. You need to be able to do your job under sever stress. You need to be able to do your job right side up, and upside down, and on your side. You need to be able to do it while traveling twice the speed of sound. You need to be able to do it as your blood is rushing out of your head and into your feet.
You need to be able to do your job while simultaneously other people are trying to kill you. You need to be able to land your fighter plane on a boat, that is moving and bobbing up and down. You need to be able to do that in the dark middle of the night too.
These are not conditions for a woman to be expected to perform.
But perform woman have and Tammie Jo was one of the first to do it successfully.
When planes crash 95% of the time they blame the pilot.
Pilot error.....Bad decisions.
Not only was the Engine not working on her plane but it blew up. The wing was damaged. The fuselage was damaged. People were hurt. The plane was depressurized at 33,000 feet. The plane needed to get to 10,000 feet for people to be able to breath normally.
Were the control surfaces on the wing damaged in the explosion? Don't know. If she tried using the flaps (on the damaged wing) would they work? Don't know. Will trying the flaps make things worse? Don't know.
She needed to find the airport she wasn't originally looking for. She needed to land the plane using half the power with full load of fuel. She was supposed to go to Texas, but only made it to Philly. Planes take off full of fuel and land after the fuel has been used when the plane is lighter. It is hard to land a plane full of fuel, especially when you aren't going to use all the flaps on the damaged wings.
The room for error is very small but these were the circumstances Tammie Jo faced and she handled it all calm, cool, and collected.
She is a hero in every sense of the word.
Today you don't see her on the Today show, or the View, or any other nonsense shows. She has held no press conferences. She feels bad about the lady who died (totally not her fault) and she is still doing her job helping investigators while remaining out of the lime light.
We should all salute her. When you are in a plane you should hope you have this kind of professional (man or women) at the controls.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

North And South Korea Head Towards Peace.....

Are you paying attention?
Unheard of.
The Korean War has gone on for 68 years.
Last year Trump threatened North Korea with FIRE and FURY.
We were told Trump would bring the world to Nuclear Armageddon.
Hug your kids. Dig your shelters. The end was near.
We were told Trump was mentally unfit to hold the Nuclear Launch codes.
We were told Trump needed to be removed using the 25th Amendment.
We were told mankind was about to end because Trump was an azz hole.
He was called names, and he was ridiculed, and he was mocked, and he was belittled….
Will he win the Nobel Peace Prize if it happens? NEVER!
Obama won it in about 4 seconds…..And produced no peace.
In Korea
Eisenhower failed to bring peace.
Kennedy failed to bring peace.
Johnson failed to bring peace.
Nixon failed to bring peace.
Ford failed to bring peace.
Carter failed to bring peace.
Reagan failed to bring peace.
Bush failed to bring peace.
Clinton failed to bring peace.
W Bush failed to bring peace.
Obama failed to bring peace….But won the Nobel anyway.
15 months of Trump.
15 MONTHS…………and here we go.
Will you give him credit if it happens? Of course not.
Will you stop gritting your teeth, and clenching your fists, and frothing at the mouth. Or course you won’t.
But while the fake news media has you nicely distracted with Stormy Daniels and other irrelevant nonsense……. there are real things happening right in front of your face.
Are you even noticing………..

Stormy's Sketch.....It Is Ready.

When 15 minutes of fame will NOT end........
Just end already.
Here is the sketch of the man who threatened Stormy Daniels in a parking lot in 2011.
Now it is 2018 and the sketch is ready.
Wasn't ready in 2011, or 2012, or 2013, or 2014, or 2015, or 2016, or 2017....But here we are in 2018 and Stormy would like some more of your attention.
In 2006 she had sex with Trump.
In 2011 she was threatened.
In 2018 she now wants your attention.
She wanted your attention last month on 60 minutes. She wanted it yesterday when she showed up at court where Michael Cohen was. She didn't need to be at court. She had nothing to do with the court proceedings.
BUT there were TV cameras and anywhere there are TV cameras you will find Stormy. She just loves it. She doesn't even need to take her clothes off and the cameras still follow her every move. Won't be long before she has a reality show.
Anyway look around your home. Check the closets. Check the back yard. Look in the back seat. If you see the man in the sketch please let Stormy know. You can find her in front of the TV cameras.

Comeys Big Interview.....The Ratings......

Despite CNN filling their website with wall to wall James Comey stories, and talking about the BIG interview (nonstop) for days it still couldn’t win the evenings ratings.
This is the part the fake news media still doesn’t understand.
They didn’t understand it when they insisted trump couldn’t win the Presidency……. and then did.
They still don’t understand it now.
In the United States you have the East Coast where everyone universally HATES trump with a passion.
You have the West Coast where everyone Universally HATES Trump with a passion.
But everyone between those two coasts LOVES Trump.
The News media misses this entire segment of the country all the time.
These are the people who watch Fox News.
They make Fox News #1.
Anti Trump CNN is ranked #12
These are the People that make Pro Trump Rosanne #1 each week with 13 million viewers.
These are the Hillary Deplorables. The people Hillary insists are making the country move backwards.
Last night these people were watching The Country Music Awards.
They would rather watch Carrie Underwood then watch James Comey. They don’t give a sh*t what he has to say. Blake Shelton is much more interesting.
The Fake News media really needs to figure out how our country works.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Comeys bulls*t book.....Get Yours Today.

A Devestating Tell all........
DEVESTATING!!!!! How exciting.......Can't wait to read it.
I bet the disgraced (and unemployed) FBI chief is about to tell us something really amazing. This is going to be earth shaking in its importance......Lets read on.
"He painted Trump as a relentless liar (yup I have heard that already) who is obsessively unethical (got it......unethical) , devoid of humanity (terrible person....Got it) and a slave to his ego, who is clueless about his job (no idea what he is doing....Got it) and unconcerned about a Russian assault on American democracy. (Russian Assault....Got it)
This is the information that is going to get me to jump into my car....... and speed over to Barns and Noble.........with my wallet in I can give James Comey my hard earned money?
This is it?
Is there anything more?
Or course there is.......
"Jabbing the President in a strikingly personal way, Comey noted the size of Trump's hands, said his skin looked orange and described white rings around his eyes from tanning goggles."
Oh f*ck you James Comey.
F*ck you CNN for promoting this garbage.
What chapter has corrupt FBI agent Andrew McCabe?
What chapter has corrupt FBI agent Peter Strzok?
What chapter has corrupt FBI agent Lisa Page?
What chapter talks about the corrupt FISA warrant to spy on Trump....... based on fictitious Russian Dossier........ paid for by Crooked Hillary campaign?
There are important things Comey could be talking about and the size of Trumps hands are not going to get me to hand over my money.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Tesla Auto Pilot Deaths....

It is called “auto pilot” but you are not supposed to trust it to drive the car.
If you do trust it (to drive the car) you might get driven into the guard rail. That might result in your funeral.
And……If that event should occur Tesla would like you to know it is all your fault. Dumb azz .
You should know not to trust their sh*tty technology.
But what is the point of having something called “autopilot” if the end result is you maybe killed.
If you have to be ready (at all times) to drive the car then just drive the car. What is the point of this?
You can’t have the car making decisions and the driver also making decisions. Someone has to be in control. If the car is in control, and making terrible decisions, than (as far as I can tell) that is all bad.
Even if the driver is paying attention, and ready to override the autopilot, that might not be possible when on the highway going 70. Things are happening fast. If the car makes a poor decision you don’t have a lot of time to correct that before you crash.
So if that is the case then just forget the autopilot. It serves no purpose.
Tesla can say it is safer to drive with autopilot but that is not what I see. I would prefer to just keep control and not end up in the guard rail.

Mexico Travel Nightmares.....

Traveling to fancy resorts in Mexico can be a VERY dangerous thing.
You don't know about this because there are many people working to hide this info from you.
The Main Stream News media is not telling you. The travel agents are not telling you. The government is not telling you. You don't figure out you are in big trouble until you are there, and then it is too late.
The only one telling you is the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel who has done many stories on this topic. They are linked below. You should read these stories as they are eye opening to say the least.
People being drugged. People being kidnapped. People being raped. People being sexually assaulted. People being assaulted. People being extorted. The resorts are corrupt. The bar tenders are corrupt. The police are corrupt. The cab drivers are corrupt. The hospitals are corrupt. You are on your own in a lawless land. Good luck.
I know much of what I write gets ignored but this is worth your reading. Especially if you plan on Traveling to Mexico. Be careful.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Trump Taunting Russia.....

Trump taunts Russia?
Wait how can that be?
Trump is owned by Russia. He is in bed with Putin. Putin and Trump conspired to win the Presidency. Trump is never hard on Russia.
I know this because I saw it on the Fake News. They told me all about it.
They told me all about it day after day (after day) for a year and a half. It has to be true.
Yet last month Trump approved sanctions on Russia. Sanctions the fake news media said he was never going to approve…..But then he did.
He then condemned Russia for using Chemical weapons in Britain.
He then expelled 60 diplomats.
Now he is threatening (promising) a missile strike in Syria.
Russia says they will shoot down the missiles.
They will not.
Tomahawk missiles cannot be shot down. They can be fired from anywhere (Ship, Plane, Land, Submarine). They fly under the radar and at tree top level.
By the time you see it it is gone.
It can go in any direction and it will arrive at its target.
Whatever its target is will then be in little pieces. That is a sure thing.
Last year Trump fired 70 of them and (I am sure) another 70 will soon be on their way. The only question is when.
Since Trump has proven he is not a puppet of Putin the story has now morphed into..... Yeah but Trump had consensual sex with a porn star (12 years ago) . Because somehow that is a matter of National security.
The FBI will put as many agents as necessary to investigate this incredibly important issue.
People threatening to shoot up schools....... Sorry the FBI doesn’t have time to investigate those. But Porn star affairs will get all the attention they deserve. The FBI is on the job.
Anyway....Russian troops in Syria better get to a safe place.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

China Just Blinked......

China just blinked......
While the fake news media trashes Trump (night and day) about his threatened Tariffs on China.......... the Fake News media ignores that fact that China has HUGE tariffs on US Goods.
China uses protectionism like a champ and has for decades.
It is why their economy grows (and grows) while our economy stagnates. China knows this. Trump Knows this. And now the fake news media is forced to report on it because China just announced they will lower their tariffs on cars.
Amazing how that works.
Trade wars are easy. Just like Trump said. When you hold all the cards it is not difficult at all. You can bring a giant Goliath right to their knees just by trying. Imagine that.
Trump should keep turning the screws until the trade deficit is $0.00. At that point we will all have FREE and FAIR Trade.