Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Jack Ruby and Jolly West.....

 When Jack Ruby was in jail (awaiting a new trial) he was visited by a psychiatrist.

Jack Ruby was trying to talk....

The CIA wanted Jack Ruby to shut the f*ck up.

The psychiatrist examined Ruby and declared him mentally insane.

The psychiatrist said Ruby had a sudden mental breakdown.

You know..........So don't listen to the insane guy telling you the CIA did the killing.......

The psychiatrists name was Jolly West.

Many years later it was discovered that Jolly West worked for the CIA.  He was part of the MK Ultra program. 

MK Ultra was an illegal mind control operation.  

The CIA used massive amounts of LSD (on unsuspecting people all over the United States) to control their minds.

Jolly used so much LSD on an elephant, that the elephant died.  Oops....

After their CIA (mind control psychiatrist) declared Ruby insane, it didn't matter if Ruby talked or not, because nothing he said would be believed.

That was the point.

Everywhere you look in the JFK assassination you find the CIA.  

Go down any road......In any direction........ and it always ends up back at the CIA.

Oswalds Paraffin Test

 Oswalds Paraffin Test.

Paraffin tests for the presence of gun powder.
If you fire a gun…… you will have gun powder on you.
A paraffin test will show that.
If you shoot a sniper rifle……. where your eyeball is looking through the scope………and your cheek is next to the gun………. you will have gun powder on your cheek.
There is no way to avoid this.
After Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested he was given a paraffin test.
It was negative for gun powder on his cheek.
That is not a conspiracy theory……That is just the facts.
It was positive for gun powder on his hands.
Can you explain how he shot the president (with a sniper rifle) and didn’t have gun powder on his cheek?
You can’t…..And nobody else can either.
If he didn’t have gun powder on his cheek….. then he wasn’t the shooter in the 6th floor sniper’s nest.
Luckily he was gunned down 48 hours later and that was the end of it.
Nothing would have be explained in a court.
Nothing would have to be explained to anybody.
Oswald was declared guilty…….. and that was the end of it.
The fact that the evidence says otherwise…….That is not an issue at all.
That is the great thing about dead people………They never object to anything.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Mary Meyer ....JFK......The CIA.

 In 2016 John F Kennedy's Love Letter to Mary Meyer was sold.  

The fake news did not tell you who Mary Myer was.

I will tell you......Again.

Mary Meyer was married to Cord Meyer.  

Cord Meyer was the number two man at the CIA.

The #1 man at the CIA was Allan Dulles.  

Allan Dulles was fired by JFK.  

JFK wound up with a bullet in his head.  

Allan Dulles was put on the Warren Commission to investigate how JFK got a bullet in his head.

Cord Myer was in charge of counterintelligence.  Also known as murdering people.

Cord Meyer was also in charge of Operation Mockingbird.  

Operation Mockingbird is the program the CIA uses to control the United States Media.  

When you are enjoying your favorite fake news, you are actually receiving top notch CIA propaganda.

Things like...........There are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.....Quick, we need a war.  

None of it is ever true, but people do eat it up.

Anyway back to Mary Meyer.......

Rule of thumb......If you are going to have sex with someone's ex-wife, please make sure they do not work at the CIA.

The chances you live a long fruitful life (after having sex with someone's ex wife at the CIA) are not great.

JFK ended up murdered.

Mary Myers also ended up murdered.

Neither murder was ever really resolved.

Everyone has a hard time figuring out who killed JFK.  

I haven't found it very difficult at all.  

The answer is right in front of you.

Who killed JFK........The CIA!

Monday, November 20, 2023

The Zapruder Film

When the CIA murdered the president the entire event was captured on film.

That film (The Zapruder Film) was withheld from the American people.

Life Magazine, owned by Henry Luce (who was connected to the CIA) bought the film and published only still pictures.  

Life did not publish the kill shot.  

The Warren Commission also published still pictures, but they published a couple of the frames out of order.

Why is that important?

Because the official story is the president was shot from behind.  

But the Zapruder film clearly shows he was shot from the front.  The film proves the official story is a complete lie.

If the still pictures were published in the correct order, you would see the presidents head moving backwards.

By reversing the order of the frames, it gave the illusion that his head was moving forward.

This deception was discovered, and the Warren Commission blamed it on a printing error.  

Oops......Just an innocent error.  Nothing you need to worry about.

It wasn't until 1975 (12 years after the murder) that the American people finally got to see the actual film.

It was broadcast on national Televisión by Geraldo Rivera.

When the American people finally got to see the Zapruder film, nobody said "Oh look he was totally shot from behind...... just like our government has been saying."

60 Year Anniversary of Killing Kennedy....

 Happy Anniversary to the CIA.

60 years ago (This week) the CIA successfully murdered the president of The United States.

They did that in broad daylight.

They did that in front of hundreds of witnesses.

Then they pretended some other poor schmuck did the killing.

Then they murdered that poor schmuck (two days later) inside a secured police station.  Surrounded by 70 police officers.  While being broadcast on live national TV.

And that is how that is done.

Today most people understand the official story of that event is a complete lie.

But you need to ask yourself.........If that official historical record is a complete lie.  And it is.....

How much of the rest of our history is also a complete lie?

The answer is.......A LOT!

If they can murder the President of The United States.......And Get away with it.

What else can they do?