Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Starbucks PR Mess.....Blame Trump....

Their racist judgement has caused Starbucks to have to close every starbucks restaurant and educate their employees about not arresting innocent black people.
But......The chairman of starbucks wants you to know the real problem is Trump.
Not them.
Not their poor behavior.
But Trump.
Got it?


1500 Lost Kids....Not Really.....

Double Fake News…….You get a two for one.
Fake News Story #1……The Trump administration has “Lost” 1500 illegal immigrant children.
They make it seem like the government drove the kids out into the wilderness and left them there. Then went back (a couple of days later) and now the kids are lost. That is a lie.
The kids were placed with sponsors. The sponsors were supposed to check in with the government. The sponsors didn’t check in with the government because the kids are illegal and they don’t want the kid to be deported. The government having not received a check in lists the kids as lost.
The reality is very different from the perception the fake news media is trying to leave with you.
Fake News Story #2…….Ivanka Trump posts a picture with her cute kid and everyone pretends to be outraged. How could Ivanka post a happy cute picture when 1500 kids are “lost”. So insensitive.
The kids are not lost and regardless it has nothing to do with Ivanka. Fake News on top of more fake news….



Blaming Trump For Obamas Pictures.....

In 2014 Barack Obama separated illegal immigrants from their children.
Then he stuck them all in cages.
Nobody cared.
In 2018 the dishonest democrats took the obama pictures (from 2014) and pretended they were from 2018 and blamed trump.
So dishonest.


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

China Slashing Tariffs.....

See what happens when you get a president who tries?
Fair trade!!!!!!!!
The United states cant have tarrifs but the Chinese can?
No more. Not with a president who has a brain.
These new lowered tariffs are still high but it is progress.....something that has been completely missing for a long (long) time.


Mark Penn.....Clintons Guy Says......It is a Coup.....

Mark Penn…..
Bill Clintons 1996 Campaign strategist.
Hillary Clintons 2008 Campaign strategist……
A Clinton insider……….He would like you to know the Mueller probe is a Deep State Coup to overthrow Trump.
In case you didn’t believe it when others told you the same thing.
What Clintons own guy is saying is the exact same thing I have been telling you. But don’t take my word for it …….go and read what the man has to say.
We are living in exciting times. Not everyone gets to live through a real life coup attempt…….. but you do. It will make for great stories to share with your grand kids.


Sunday, May 20, 2018

The FBI Spy Of The Trump Campaign Revealed.....No Thanks To The Fake News Media.....

The Fake News Media, and the Senate Democrats, and the US Intelligence Services tell you they will not release the name of the FBI spy of the Trump Campaign.
US National Security would be put at risk.
If you found out the truth your freedom would be snatched from under you and you would be tossed into a life of slavery.
It is better if you don't know all the corrupt, dishonest and illegal things your FBI and CIA are doing.
But the information is out there. You don't need to look that hard to find out who the spy was.
In fact the information is right in front of you. You're welcome.
It is a card carrying member of the Deep State.
Someone with ties to the CIA, and the HW Bush era of CIA corruptions which goes back to the Nixon era, and the Ford era, and the Reagan Era.
Spying on US Political campaigns is nothing new for this person.
This Deep State bullsh*t has been going on forever.
But if they told you who this was, and you cared enough to connect the dots, you would quickly see that the Corrupt FBI timeline (of when the Russian fabrication started and when this spy was placed on the payroll) do not really reconcile all that well.
The good news is you probably don't care.
The Fake news media (and the deep state) appreciate your lack of interest. It would be a shame if you figured out what was really going on here.
You just go back to sleep and don't even worry about it. What the corrupt CIA, and the corrupt FBI are up to is none of your concern. Just listen to what the fake news media tells you and try not to think too much. Thinking is bad. Very bad.


Saturday, May 19, 2018

China Quickly Backing Down on Trade.......Put On Your Shocked Face.....

While the fake news media has you nicely distracted with Royal Weddings........
with lots of pictures of smiling rich people (who have way more money than you do)........
Meanwhile Trump is making major progress fixing the broken Barack Obama....... George W Bush...... Bill Clinton........ economy.
The one where the ships come to America over flowing with Chinese made goods and then go back to China completely empty.
The one where the Chinese have all the jobs and the Americans have none of the jobs.
Trump threatened tariffs.
The Fake News Media yelled Armageddon......... Great Depression.....TRADE WARS!!!!!!! EVERYONE DUCK!!!!!!
But the Chinese know full well it meant it was time for them to stop f*cking around. The days of kicking the United States in the teeth are over.
Now the Chinese are blinking and blinking and blinking.
Fine they will buy all kinds of stuff from America. Just no tariffs. Please.......No tarrifs
Now don't get dizzy trying to keep up with this rapid progress.
You have not seen anything like this in the past 40 years.
It can be overwhelming. Perhaps you should go back to smiling Prince Harry.
Just know the problems are getting resolved in spite of your negative feelings....... and in spite of the fake news medias never ending attacks.
You're Welcome!


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Fake News CNN Pointing Out Other Trump Fake News.......

The Fake News is so bad that even Fake News CNN has to defend Trump against the other Fake News.
Normally Fake News CNN insists there is no such thing as fake news.
Fake News CNN wanted to ban the term "Fake News" because it was staining their dishonest industry.
But when even Fake News CNN has to point out that other fake news outlets are reporting ridiculous levels of fake news....well......we have now reached a whole new level.
For the record he was talking about the gang MS-13. The gang that rapes and murders and assaults and robs.
He was not talking about immigrants, or illegal immigrants.
But it sounds better if the fake news media pretends that is what he was doing. It allows you to hate the man which you already enjoy doing and really want to keep doing.
Let the hate flow.


Monday, May 14, 2018

The Russians Lawyers Showed Up In US Court....Mueller Not Prepared.....

The Mueller Fake Russia Investigation is getting B*tch slapped by the Russians.

Mueller indicted a bunch of Russians to pretend this whole thing is somehow real.  

You were supposed to be impressed.  Ooooh Indictments.

The Russians went and hired American lawyers and showed up in US court to defend themselves.

Mueller was COMPLETELY not prepared for this.  The Russians were never supposed to show up.  It ruins the entire illusion.

The Russians are demanding documents from Mueller.  Mueller does not want to hand over his fake documents.  Mueller does not want to talk about any of it with you or the Russians.

Mueller asked the judge to postpone the proceedings as Mueller does not know what to do.  The Russians are ruining everything.

The judge said too bad.  Nothing is getting postponed.  Next court date wed.  Mueller better start putting something together fast. 

Don't look for updates on Fake News CNN.....They won't be covering it.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Russia Facebook Ads Released....Be Careful.

Today the Democrats in the House Intelligence Committee released the famous Russian Facebook ads.
These are the ads that were the spearhead of the great Russian "Attack" on our Democracy.
The only definitive proof the Russians did ANYTHING at all during the election.
Most of the Main Stream Fake News Media didn't even bother to cover the story.
I can't even find it on Fake News CNN.
You would think this would be Breaking News......Here they are....... Protect your family while viewing the weapons of the great attack. Not since Pearl Harbor has the United States been so vulnerable.
You were going to vote for Hillary but then you went to Facebook and saw a Russian ad and decided Trump was your guy. It was all the Russians.
Their incredible $100,000 was enough to over come Hillary's $1,200,000,000.00 in the 2016 election.
Even though many of the ads had nothing to do with Trump or Hillary. It was all just a bunch of nonsense that had no relevance to anything.....But you should be scared of the mighty Russian propaganda machine. Cover your eyes. Protect your family.
Our country will never be the same. And CNN didn't even care. They talk about Russia....Russia....Russia....Russia...... all day for 18 months and when the evidence is released they could care less.
Well I care and I want you to see all 3,500 ads that destroyed our country. Enjoy.....But be careful.


More and More Americans See Mueller as Political......

Over half the country now views the Mueller Investigation as politically motivated
That is up from December.
Over half the country now thinks what I have thought the entire time.
This has nothing to do with Russia….. Collusion….. or meddling in the election.
This is simply about a guy who won the presidency who wasn’t supposed to win.
Now the entrenched powers that run our country will do anything (say anything) to get rid of him. Or at least make like real uncomfortable for as long as possible.
But the American people are figuring it out. The fake news media is being exposed.
They say Trump, by questioning the Hoax, is damaging the countries institutions…….. but it looks like the fake news media and the Deep State are doing that all on their own.
Well anyway………Welcome onboard all you newcomers. Sit back and enjoy the show. This is good stuff.


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

90% Negative Coverage....Approval Still Going Up.....

Trump VS The Fake News Apparatus.....

90% Negative Coverage.

Approval Rating going up.  More popular this month than last month.

That is devastating to the Fake News.  It shows they are losing credibility with the American People.

Nobel Peace Prize Winner Donald Trump.....Get Ready....

The Fake News Media is getting on board with the inevitablity that Trump is going to win the Nobel Peace Prize.
That is a very tough pill to swallow for the world wide Fake News apparatus.
They have done everything possible to convince you Trump is the worst human being on planet earth.
90% of the main stream media coverage is negative.
10 stories are written and 9 of them are trashing Trump.
He is going to do what has never been done. When he does he will be awarded one of the worlds highest honors.
Unlike Obama he will have actually earned his.
That will be tough for the fake news media to spin to a negative. In news rooms across America I am sure they are working on that situation.
I can't wait to see it unfold.


Trumps Success With North Korea.....

Who wants to applaud President Trumps latest success?
President Trump called him little rocket man and we were told that that was not presidential. Not helpful and would be counterproductive.
Presidents do not talk the way Trump talks.
We were told Trump will never be respected on the world stage.
We were told the United States standing in the world will be lowered as President Trump is considered a complete joke.
Remember that?
Well three detainees are now on their way home to Freedom.
One of them has been imprisoned since 2015 when Obama was President.
Obama failed to win his release.
His “presidential” conduct achieved nothing.
You can criticize Trump all day and night (as most do) but the results are currently in the air on their way home to freedom.
Looks to me like Trump is receiving A LOT of respect on the world stage.


John Kerry Shadow Diplomacy....

Skull and Bones John Kerry still on the job.
He is no longer Secretary of State.
He is no longer a US Senator.
He holds no official position, and has no power of any kind, but yet he is holding meeting and making phone calls.
Can you image if someone did that behind Obamas back. Oh man……
There is a reason the American people have made Democrats the minority in every level of government. They can’t be trusted.


Michele Obama Concerned About Women.....

Michelle Obama is concerned about women.
She is concerned because 52% of woman voted for Donald Trump in 2016.
It is possible women can't be trusted to vote if they are not going to vote for who Michelle Obama told them to vote for.
I mean this stuff is not that hard.
Michelle told you to vote for Hillary.
Barack told you to vote for Hillary.
According to the fake news media EVERYONE loves the Obamas.
So when they told you to do something you need to freakin do it. Individual thought will not be tolerated.
Every newspaper in the United States told women to vote for Hillary. Every News outlet on TV told women to vote for Hillary.
But for some reason 52 % of woman still couldn't follow those simple instructions.
So Michelle is concerned.
Couldn't possible be that people didn't vote for Hillary because she is one of the most corrupt politicians in history.
Couldn't possibly be that they voted for Trump because they wanted a good economy, and a good stock market, and peace with North Korea, and the destruction of ISIS.
Couldn't possibly be any of those things.
IT must be women don't feel good about themselves.
Did Michelle Obama say it was OK to vote for Jill Stein? She is a women. No she didn't say that at all.
You were supposed to vote for Hillary. That was your choice. That was your only choice. Any other choice was not acceptable and cause for great concern.
I think the fact 52% of women were able to think on their own and ignore Michelle Obama is fantastic news.
Nice job ladies.


Sunday, May 6, 2018

John McCains Eulogy Ready To Go......Just need him to die.

Can they let the man die first before they announce his funeral plans.
Unbelievable....Not only are the plans set but the fake news media is only too happy to share them with the world. Way to be respectful.
McCain hated Obama....Obama beat McCain for the presidency. McCain trashed Obama his entire presidency. I am sure McCain will be thrilled Obama will be speaking over his dead body.
McCain hated George w Bush too...criticized him over the Iraq war for years.
Knowing his funeral plans are set should help McCain's recovery.
Gell well John....but if you don't they have you covered.


Lisa Page Out Of The FBI.....

Cleaning out the corrupt FBI.
Corrupt FBI agent lisa page is now gone.
Corrupt Lisa was having sex with corrupt (married) disgraced FBI agent Peter Strozk.
Corrupt Peter reported to corrupt (fired) disgraced Andrew McCabe.
Corrupt Andrew McCabe reported to corrupt (fired) disgraced James Comey.
One by one they are all being removed so the FBI can begin to restore their tattered reputation.
The FBI can return to criminal investigations and remove themselves from their poor efforts at political manipulation found in third world countries.


Saturday, May 5, 2018

Roman Polanski and Hollywood.....

Hollywood likes to sit on top on their moral mountain top and dictate to the rest of the world what is right and what is wrong.
Roman Polanski raped a 13 year old girl.
Roman Polanski plead guilty to raping a 13 year old girl.
Roman Polanski fled justice and remains a fugitive to this day.
Hollywood has supported Roman Polanski for Decades. They handed him an Oscar in 2003, which was served up by a rousing standing ovation that went on for a long time. The ovation was participated by a whos who of Hollywood elite.
Hollywood titans signed a letter in support of Roman Polanski. How dare anyone try to hold a child rapist accountable if that rapist makes good movies.
But last year Hollywood got kicked in the nutz by America Dad....Serial Rapist Bill Cosby. And by Movie Titan serial Rapist Harvey Weinstein.
Suddenly Raping girls was no longer the in thing as the Me Too movement spread across the nation.
So Now (DECADES LATER) Hollywood has decided to expel Roman Polanski out of the academy.
Way to go Hollywood. Keep leading the way on Moral superiority.


Friday, May 4, 2018

NSA Still Spying On You........

The NSA wants you to know they are still spying on you.  Every second of everyday.

Edward Snowden ran away to Russia yelling and screaming...."Your Government is spying on you....."

Since then they have only increased their surveillance.

They say they are only spying on 40 people but they somehow collected 500,000,000 phone records.  You can be sure yours are in there too.

Enjoy your free country.  Just remember the government is watching.....ALWAYS!

Federal Judge Calls Out Mueller Witch Hunt......

The Federal Judge gets it…..
It is a WITCH HUNT. Look for those witches.
The goal is simple. Get rid of Trump. He wasn’t supposed to win. His name is not Clinton. He needs to go.
This judge sees it. Good for him.
A federal judge expressed deep skepticism Friday in the bank fraud case brought by special counsel Robert Mueller's office against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, at one point saying he believes that Mueller's motivation is to oust President Donald Trump from office.
Friday's hearing was notable for District Judge T.S. Ellis' decision to wade into the divisive political debate around the investigation.
"You don't really care about Mr. Manafort's bank fraud," Ellis said to prosecutor Michael Dreeben, at times losing his temper.
Ellis said prosecutors were interested in Manafort because of his potential to provide material that would lead to Trump's "prosecution or impeachment," Ellis said.
"That's what you're really interested in," said Ellis,
Ellis repeated his suspicion several times in the hour-long court hearing.
"We don't want anyone in this country with unfettered power. It's unlikely you're going to persuade me the special prosecutor has power to do anything he or she wants," Ellis told Dreeben. "
When Dreeben answered Ellis' question about how the investigation and its charges date back to before the Trump campaign formed, the judge shot back, "None of that information has to do with information related to Russian government coordination and the campaign of Donald Trump."
At one point, Ellis posed a hypothetical question, speaking as if he were the prosecutor, about why Mueller's office referred a criminal investigation about Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen to New York authorities and kept the Manafort case in Virginia.
They weren't interested in it because it didn't "further our core effort to get Trump," Ellis said, mimicking a prosecutor in the case.


Openly Gay Ambassador to Germany.....

Trump hates gay people.
I know he does because I saw it on the fake news.
Introducing Trumps ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell.
“He has now officially become the highest ranking openly gay official ever in a Republican administration,"
Gregory T. Angelo, president of LGBTQ conservative group Log Cabin Republicans, called Grenell's confirmation "historic."
Earl Fowlkes, chairman of the Democratic National Committee's LGBT Caucus, called Grenell's appointment a "good sign" and a show of "political wisdom" on the part of the Trump administration,


Black and Hispanic Unemployment.......

Racist Donald Trump destroying the black community.
Just like the experts predicted.
The black community will never recover from all the jobs and prosperity.
Now don't get confused....a few months ago black unemployment hit the lowest level EVER.
This new record announced today is even lower then that.
I know all these records can be difficult to keep straight. That is why I am here to help.


Manufacturing Jobs.....

Where are all the new jobs happening…….
You remember manufacturing. Those are the jobs the experts insisted were never coming back. Ever.
They are gone forever. Get over it……..
But Oh look the growth in US jobs is happening in Manufacturing. That is so bizarre. How is that possible…….
The disconnect between what they say…….. and what I say…….. and which one us turns out to be right……Is super interesting.
Don’t you think?


Lowest Unemployment Rate In 18 Years.....

The lowest Unemployment rate in 18 years……
Just like the experts predicted.
You remember….When they said Trumps protectionist policies will lead to the next Great Depression.
Smoot Hawley…..Blah….Blah…Blah…..
They said Trump is an economic moron and his policies will destroy us all.
Remember all that fake news? Yeah I remember it too.
Well here are the results. One of us was right. It wasn’t the experts.


Handing Over Your DNA.....

People hand over their DNA because they want to know if they are 16% Irish and 29% Scandinavian and 4% Scottish.
That is great!
But there are other ramifications to handing that information over.
These companies have no obligation to protect your privacy.
People think the information is given and then destroyed.
It is not.
It goes into a database and can be accessed by law enforcement.....or anyone.
If you are a murder.... or rapist.....even if it was decades ago......you can now be caught.
Even if you don't hand over your DNA it doesn't matter. Your sister can hand hers over.... or your aunt..... and you are still screwed.
It is not just the criminals who need to worry.
HIPAA laws do not apply to you voluntarily handing over your DNA.
You go to your doctor and your doctor has to protect your privacy. It is the law.
But once you hand over your DNA you have no such protections.
Can an insurance company access those DNA profiles? No law says they can't.
Can your employer access that info? Wait and see.
So before you mail in your DNA you should really think about what you are handing over.


Trumps Trade Deficit....

Are Trump's economic policies working?
Well....look at the results. They are right in front of you.
What is the trade deficit doing?
Oh look it is going down. Who could have predicted.
The United states selling things to other countries. What a novel idea.
It is called fair trade.
We buy things from them. They buy things from us. It hasn't been tried in 40 years (but now we are trying) and it seems to be working.
Now get back to telling everyone's trump's policies will never work.


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

JFK Files Delayed Again.....And Again.....And Again......

In 1992 we were told we just needed to wait 25 more years and then ALL the information would be released to the public.
25 Years later (on October 26, 2017) we were told we needed to wait just another 6 months. THEN all the information would be released. We are so close.......
But on April 26, 2018 we were told we just need to wait 3 more years.
What is 3 years when you have already waited 55 years. Please check back on April 26, 2021.
It was just some guy who went to work with a sniper rifle and murdered the president. That is all it was. Nothing more.
But for some reason the intelligence agencies (aided by 10 presidents) have kept all the information from you. As the can continually gets kicked down the road. The Democrats kick it and so do the Republicans.
Most news organizations didn't even bother to tell you that you still aren't getting the entire story.
The good news is you probably don't even care. Just the way they all like it. It is nothing you need to worry yourself about. Watch TV and mind your business.
